Earth House, Logo
Phone Icon (877) 560-6422

A Friendly, Open, and Patient Centered Mental Health Facility

Earth House has more than 30 years of experience in providing inpatient counseling at our mental health facility in East Millstone, New Jersey. Our team of certified specialists will work with your loved one to determine the best healthcare course possible.

Earth House is a tax-exempt institution licensed in the state of New Jersey for approximately 30 years. In regular attendance and as needed, are a psychiatrist, a complimentary physician, two clinical psychologists, and a psychiatric nurse. Nestled on several wooded acres along the Delaware and Raritan Canal in a converted 18th century farmhouse, Earth House has natural boundaries that allow for a less restrictive environment. Individuals are cared for with respect and dignity in a home-like, low stress community.

Earth House Is Cost Effective

This comprehensive, humane program costs about the same as treatment at a state hospital. Our fees are as little as one tenth those of some private psychiatric hospitals. Since most Earth House students advance to independent living or living with only modest outside support, long-term savings are enormous.

In Summary

What Earth House demonstrates to psychiatric physicians and institutions all over the country is a model, which combines a strict orthomolecular medical basis with an educational and behavior management approach. It is a model that offers hope and may well prove to be the optimal environment for recovery. We believe that through use of the Earth House model, the mental health system could arrest for many what tends to be a lifelong illness, thus reducing the anguish of those with schizophrenia and their families, and saving millions for both family and society.